Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Layers of the Smart Home

The question I get asked most about Smart Homes is: “Can you quickly explain how it all works?” So today’s post is based on how I normally explain Smart Home technologies to those people.

I Hope it helps.

To understand the technology of the Smart Home, you need to think of it like any other technology stack. It is arranged in layers. For the Smart Home, this can be considered as a 3-layer set…

1) The Interface Layer.

This is where you as the smart home owner/user control, monitor and programmes the full range of Smart Home technologies within the Home. This interface layer may take on the form of a wall mounted touch panel. Or, as is becoming more common, a PC, tablet or smart phone, via an app or range of apps. 
The interface layer also allows, those with the relevant skill set, the ability to write macros and programme their smart technologies to enhance their functionality.

2) The Controller Layer.

In any Smart Home, the controller is the hub of operations. It is the consolidated solution for unifying any connected ‘Things’ and controlling them from a one simple application. Many of the larger Smart Home suppliers provide a Controller of some sort.
The easiest way of thinking about it is, as a small, highly connected computer that specialises in providing access to, and controlling things. In fact, in some instances where a dedicated Smart Homes Controllers are not used, a PC can be slotted into his layer.

3) The Things Layer.

Things, as in the Internet of Things (or IoT), are the fun side of the technology set. In traditional IT terms they are the peripherals. The amount and range of which, are increasing every day. Things include: Lighting, Security, heating, comfort control, white-goods, etc. etc. The list goes on and on. 
The level of integration each of these ‘Things’ brings to the smart home is device dependant. These could range from being pre-programmed, to controlled remotely, through to being set up as truly smart and being allowed to control themselves based on a set of pre-defined logic.

In a nutshell there you have it. A basic look at how Smart Home technology all hangs together.

Will Hogarth

CTO @ VGS Media

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Bluetooth 5 and the IoT

As I write this blog, Bluetooth SIG are getting close to announcing Bluetooth 5, the latest standard for the omnipresent, short range, wireless technology. The first major upgrade since 2011. (although there have been iterative updates since.)

The last of those iterative updates in December 2014 was Bluetooth 4.2 which added a few features to allow it to work better with the up and coming technology: called Internet of Things (IoT). This time round though, the IoT is much more in the public’s eye and you can be sure Bluetooth 5 will place the relevant functionality front and centre.

So what can we expect from an IoT front?

1) Range

The new Bluetooth 5, will reach up to 4-times the current distance of Bluetooth 4.2. This means it will move beyond being a personal area, short range peripheral network, to a longer range, local area, low-bandwidth network. This puts it in more direct competition with existing IoT standards, such as Z-Wave and Zigbee, both of which are long-range low power network standards.

2) Speed

Bluetooth 5 will be twice as fast as Bluetooth 4.2. Not a massive impact, since long-range low power networks are normally positioned around smaller bandwidth traffic, yet the speed increase should not be dismissed as being inconsequential.

3) Location Services and Expanded broadcast messaging

Bluetooth 5 won't just be about having a longer-range and being faster than before, it will also help facilitate additional location-based functionality. In particular, it should boost the uptake of beacon technology, which will result in significantly improved indoors navigation. This is due to Bluetooth 5 having significantly more capacity to facilitate advertising transmission. This means that it will be able to convey much more information to other compatible devices without forming a connection. Bluetooth already does this in a limited way, in order to notify you about the name and nature of other open Bluetooth networks, but Bluetooth 5 will be able to do much more.

One disappointment is that Bluetooth SIG have made it clear that its new Bluetooth mesh initiative is separate from the new Bluetooth 5 standard.  However, they did indicate that mesh for Bluetooth is on its way. Maybe, within the year.

Another thing to bear in mind is your older devices may not be fully compatible with the new standard. Devices should still work, but they will not be able to make use of any of the new features. 
So what does this all mean for the IoT?

Bluetooth 5 is a huge step in the right direction, and the hope is that with Bluetooth Mesh, this could be a significant player in the up and coming IoT and Smart Home technologies. And, when it comes down to it, consumers are much more used to wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth than they are of Z-Wave and Zigbee.

So Bluetooth 5 … watch this space

Will Hogarth
CTO @ VGS Global

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Why do You Need a Strong Brand?

In short, Brand is everything. 

It is more than just a snazzy logo and a catchy strap-line. Good branding provides an organisation with an Identity.  A successful Brand can be seen as being a double edged sword. It should provide customers with an instantly recognisable and trusted front, but it should also provide staff with a framework within to operate.

Considering this statement, let us return to our opening question. “Why do You Need a Strong Brand?”


Potential customers do business with companies they are familiar with. With Brands they know. If Branding is consistent and easy to recognize, it can help potential customers feel more at ease purchasing from an organisation. Organisations need to stand out from their competitors, and getting Branding right will help an organisation begin taking that crucial step forward, in any competitor line-up.  


There is a saying that states “Familiarity breeds trust.” And this is something that builds upon recognition. When customers are provided with a good experience, it is not just the service or product in question that benefits with an increase in reputation.  There is an added bonus is in the growth in trust for the overall Brand. For this free ride though, there must be a Brand in place to be trusted.


Brand also works within an organisation. It provides guidance on how members of a company conduct themselves. How they represent the company, how they dress, and how they use various lines of communication are all wrapped up in the organisational brand. Companies who get this right, deliver consistency to all who they deal with, building Recognition and developing Trust.


Ultimately, the purpose of a Brand is to increase sales. People love to tell others about the Brands they like. People are obsessed by Brands, and they’re constantly telling others about the Brands they love.  They can’t tell someone about a Brand they can’t remember. A strong Brand is critical if you want to increase sales via recommendations and referrals.

The most successful companies, no matter their size, have one important thing in common. They have established a strong Brand to build upon. It is something every member of the team can represent and every customer will recognise. A successful Brand is the foundation of a successful company. 

If you feel your company would benefit from Brand Review, no matter: if you are starting out or thinking of a re-branding exercise, feel free to get in touch with VGS Media.

Will Hogarth
CTO @ VGS Global